About me

Carlyn Boyce

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Hello, I'm Carlyn

About me

I’m Carlyn, a qualified (Accredited) Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist & Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapist. I am Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked. I tell you this as you need to know that I am professionally trained to support you but why does psychology/ therapy, have so many complicated words: sigh!!!! (hope that wasn’t too much of a mouthful to read but in a nutshell, I am qualified). I’m here to help you make sense of where you are now and how you can move forward to a happier, healthier you. I have worked in mental health for over 15 years, and I currently work in the NHS as a clinical lead of a staff wellbeing assessment and therapy service.

I usually get a lot of people think I am called ‘Carolyn’ or find it hard to say my name, but it is just Car-lyn. Other things about me are that I love music and enjoy all types and love to dance. I love being a mother and this has definitely shaped me as the person I am today. I love crime documentaries, action movies, puzzles. I enjoy cooking and baking and will try anything; Thai food is my favourite food but love to cook a hearty Caribbean meal. My guilty pleasure is I love to build Ikea furniture (don’t tell anyone).

Emotional distress is frightening and unsettling for anyone that experiences it. It can leave you confused and unsure how you’ve ended up feeling like you do. If you want to understand what’s troubling you, what’s making you feel as bad as you do, then I can help shine some light on what the problem is.

It might also be really difficult to know what the specific problem you’re struggling with is called. If you’re dealing with any of the following symptoms, I can help you make sense of the emotional problems that might be triggering these problems, so you can start feeling like you, again:

  • Worry
  • Lack of confidence
  • Avoidance
  • Isolation
  • Panic Attacks
  • Low mood
  • Palpitations
  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Hopelessness
  • Sleep problems
  • Suicidal or Intrusive Thoughts

About Therapy and the values I hold

Why therapy?

You might recognise the symptoms mentioned as 'Common mental health problems' such as Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), low self-esteem, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, panic or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). I work with all the above but my special interests and main areas of expertise are GAD (worry), Low self-esteem, sleep, Long term health problems and PTSD. I’m passionate about finding out what’s causing your hurt and working on practical ways, to help you feel better in a way that works for you.
So if you’re reading this right now, then there’s probably a good chance that something is getting in the way of you living your life in the way that you want. If you’re finding things difficult or are struggling to cope with your thoughts and feelings, know firstly that you’re not alone. That searching for therapy is one of the bravest and most important steps to take so you can start to feel better. Sometimes it can be really hard to put your finger on exactly how you’re feeling. It can be hard to know where to start.



In my opinion, mental health should be treated with the same respect as your physical health. It governs how you live your life and affects every aspect of your day-to-day. I have a set of guiding principles that underpin the way I proceed, when working with any client:

  • Safety First Always: Trust in therapy is paramount but so are boundaries. I will always act in a secure, protective manner.
  • Passionate About Your Health: I do my very best at every step of your journey to help you in a way that makes you feel better.
  • Authentic At Every Step: I’m honest and true with my actions and words.
  • Compassionate To All: I recognise your pain and act appropriately to alleviate your suffering.
  • Equality (& Equity) For Everyone: I treat every client as an individual regardless of race, gender, sexuality, age or anything else. Health should not discriminate.

Sounds corny but I do want you to have the space to work on what's impacting you now and allow the space for you to get to a place of recovery and healing.

Wow, that was a lot. Take time and process everything and if you still feel ready and want to start therapy with me, book an appointment or use my contact page.

Thank you for reading and let’s work towards...........

"Mental headspace and therapy for a healthier,  happier you’

Are you ready to get started?


"Thank you for all your help & support. At times I have struggled but you have always been kind & supportive to me & now I feel able to cope better with my pain"

" We are all quick to moan when things are not good and it seems harder to give praise. You have helped me start to make positive changes and move forward in dealing with the way I feel. I'm so grateful"

"Thank you for everything you have taught me. I am so glad I decided to try therapy & so thankful you were my therapist! I have learnt so much about myself & know I am able to keep working on finding balance. Thank you for helping me, feel like me again!"


Not quite sure yet?

Why not visit my contact page, I would love to chat with you!

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